Matching Gifts

Thousands of companies around the world will match an employee's charitable contribution, often doubling or even tripling the amount of the original gift. Also, many companies will even match gifts made by retired employees, spouses or members of the board of directors.

We encourage all Talladega College friends, donors, and supporters to contact their employer's personnel or human resources department to inquire about their matching gift policies and procedures.

Another way to initiate your matching gift option immediately is to type your company's name in the box below and follow the prompts. Many of the companies listed will give you access to the matching gifts form needed to complete your gift to Talladega College.

To find out if your company has a matching gift policy, please enter your employer's name below and click on search.

If you have a Matching Gifts Form please complete it, attach your contribution and mail it to Talladega College's Office of Development and we will do the rest.

Talladega College Office of Development
627 West Battle Street
Talladega, Al 35160

Matching Gifts database provided by HEPdata exclusively under these Terms of Use.

HEP Development Services



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By Mail:
Talladega College
Office of Admission
627 Battle Street West
Talladega, AL 35160

Phone : (866) 540-3956
or (256) 362-0274



The history of Talladega College began on November 20, 1865, when two former slaves William Savery and Thomas Tarrant, both of Talladega, met in convention with a group of new freedmen in Mobile, Alabama.

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