Matching Gifts

Many companies match charitable gifts given by their employees, and in some cases, retirees, directors or employee spouses. At no additional cost to you, your gift can grow and multiply.
In most cases, unless otherwise indicated, you simply need to obtain the matching gifts form, fill out the pertinent information and send it to us. We'll take care of the rest.
To find out if your company matches gifts to Good Counsel Homes, simply enter in the name of your company below.

If your company's information did not appear, your employer may still have a matching gifts program. Please contact your employer, to find out if your gift can be matched.
Donations can be made online or sent to:

Good Counsel, Inc. PO Box 6068 Hoboken NJ 07030

Matching Gifts database provided by HEPdata exclusively under these Terms of Use.

HEP Development Services